About Us

In the midst of the pandemic, many people were feeling isolated and disconnected from their usual social circles. But for a group of enthusiasts eagerly anticipating the launch of the Rivian R1T and R1S, the online community they had formed was a lifeline of excitement and anticipation.

As we eagerly waited for our vehicles to arrive, we shared photos, stories, and advice on forums and social media groups dedicated to Rivian. We bonded over our love for the sleek electric vehicles and our desire to explore the great outdoors.

Finally, the day arrived when the first Rivians began to be delivered. The excitement was palpable as the new owners shared pictures and videos of their vehicles arriving and being driven for the first time.

But the excitement didn’t stop there. The next logical step was to organize group adventures and road trips. And so, the Rivian Clubs of America were born.

The first meetup was a small affair, with just a handful of owners gathering at a local campground. But as word spread and more Rivians hit the road, our community grew exponentially.

Soon, there were Rivian Clubs in cities and towns all across the country. We organized camping trips, off-road excursions, and even longer road trips that crossed state lines. The sense of camaraderie and adventure was infectious, and people who had never met before were forming lifelong friendships.

For many, the Rivian Club became a new kind of family. A group of like-minded individuals who shared a passion for exploration and adventure, and who supported each other through the ups and downs of life on the road.

And as the pandemic receded and the world began to open up again, our Rivian Clubs continued to thrive. They were a testament to the power of community, and to the way that technology can bring people together in unexpected and meaningful ways.